Latest Episodes
What is an Order Book?
Now Order Book is a very important part of the modern trading ecosystem so you need to know about it!
What is a Nominal Interest Rate?
Ok now Nominal Interest Rate is an extremely important concept you need to know about. So let’s get started!
What is an Interest Rate Swap?
Now one of the more important derivatives you should know about are interest rate swaps. So let’s discuss!
What is an ECN?
Wow another great topic from the modern trading ecosystem is ECN. So we’re gonna discuss it and make sure you’re up to speed!
What is an Alternative trading system ?
Gosh another very important term often used when discussing the modern trading ecosystem is Alternative trading system. So let’s talk about it briefly!
What is a Crossing Network?
Crossing Networks are a very important part of the modern trading ecosystem. So let’s talk about them and you’ll be fully informed!