Latest Episodes
What is Financial Risk Management?
Ok, Financial Risk Management is a phrase often heard in finance, so you’ll need to understand what it is. Let’s go!
What is a Price wage spiral?
Gosh now Price wage spiral is a very timely topic one that is often in the news. So let’s talk about it!
What is The Business Cycle?
Ok you’ll often hear mention of the Business Cycle in the news, so we need to make sure you’re comfortable talking about it. Let’s...
What is The Philips curve ?
All right now, the Phillips Curve is often discussed with respect to the US economy so its best you know what it is. Let’s...
What is Gross National Product?
Now Gross National Product Is a phrase you’ll sometimes hear When talking about a Nation’s economy. So we should discuss it.
What is a Structured Product?
Ok now Structured Products are very useful and interesting financial instruments. So we need to talk about them!